Block YouTube Channels from Appearing in Your Feed

First, it’s worth trying the in-house method to block YouTube channels. Your YouTube homepage displays all manner of videos it thinks you might be interested in – from recent uploads on regularly visited channels to “recommended” videos based on your viewing habits. But these may include videos that you don’t want to see AT ALL. When that happens, you can block these channels from appearing in your feed. The curation tool may not be easy to find, as it’s referred to as “Not interested” on YouTube. To block videos from certain channels from appearing in your recommended feed on desktop or the mobile app, follow these steps:



Note: this doesn’t block the YouTube channel from appearing in search results – only from your YouTube homepage.

Bring Back Previously Blocked YouTube Channels

While you can change your mind about blocking a YouTube channel a few seconds after you do so, you won’t be able to unblock select channels in this fashion after some time has elapsed unless you’re willing to bring back the entire list of videos that were previously tagged with “Not interested.”

Block Shorts from a Certain YouTube Channel

Shorts are YouTube’s attempt to compete with TikTok, which is super popular right now. You will notice the Shorts section while scrolling on your feed on desktop or mobile. If you’ve spotted a Short you didn’t like, know that you can flag it and prevent other Shorts from the same channel from showing up on your feed. Follow these steps on your PC or handset:

Block YouTube Channels from the App

YouTube has an actual “Blocking” function, but it works somewhat differently than what you’re used to on other social apps. On YouTube, blocking a user (or channel) will not cause it to disappear from your feed or view. (You can still search for it.) Instead, block prevents these channels from leaving comments and live chat messages. While this option won’t help you curate your feed, it may allow you to reduce the interactions between you and some problematic channels.



How to Unblock Channels

If you wish to unblock a channel after some time has passed, you can do so via YouTube Studio on your computer by following the below steps:

Block a YouTube Channel from Shorts

If you want to make sure you don’t have to interact with the maker of a certain Short you didn’t like, you can block the YouTube channel directly from the Shorts section.

Other Ways to Block YouTube Channels

If you’re still not satisfied with the content you’re seeing as part of your recommendations, you can do several things:

Remove Individual Videos From Your Watch History

This will get rid of the cues YouTube is using to provide you with recommendations.

Clear History

Get a clean break from YouTube’s recommendations by opening YouTube in your PC browser and going to “History,” then “Clear all watch history.” On mobile, open “Settings -> History & privacy -> Clear watch history.”

Remove Individual Searches From Your Search History

To make sure your search history isn’t impacting YouTube recommendations, go to “Settings” in your browser, then “History.” Use the search bar to look for YouTube videos you may have searched for in the past. Remove them as desired by tapping the “X” button. Image credit: Pixabay All screenshots by Alexandra Arici