What Is OpenSSL?

OpenSSL is a library developed by the OpenSSL Project to provide open-source SSL and TLS implementations for the encryption of network traffic. It is readily available for a variety of Unix-based distributions and can be used to generate certificates, RSA private keys, and perform general cryptography-related tasks.

Limitation of Self-Signed SSL Certificate

When you use OpenSSL to generate a SSL certificate, it is considered “self-signed.” It means that the SSL certificate is signed with its own private key and not from a Certificate Authority (CA). As such, the SSL certificate cannot be “trusted” and should not be used for any public facing site. If used, the users will likely see warnings from their browsers about the certificate. A self-signed certificate is useful for local development or any apps running in the background that don’t face the Internet. Alternatively, you can use LetsEncrypt or obtain a certificate verified by a trusted authority, such as Comodo CA.


Most Linux distributions already have a version of OpenSSL built in by default. If not, you can easily install it. You can install it on Ubuntu and Debian by using the apt command: On CentOS (or its alternative), you can install it by using the yum command: You can also easily download it from its website as a “.tar.gz” file.

Basic Usage

Now that you have OpenSSL installed, we can have a look at some of the basic functions the program provides. You can start by viewing the version and other relevant information about your OpenSSL installation: You can check out the manual provided:

Generating a Certificate Using a Configuration File

Generating a certificate using OpenSSL is possible in many ways. One of them is by using a configuration file which will specify details about the organization. To start, you can create a configuration file called “config.conf” and edit it using Nano: Here is an example of the content of the configuration file: You can just copy and paste this into the file and make the necessary changes to reflect your organization’s information. Next, you have to generate an RSA private key, which will then be used to generate a root certificate -: The -out flag is used in this case to specify the name of the key that will be generated. A key size of 2048 bits is also specified, which is the default for RSA keys. You will also have to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR): In this case, the -key flag is used to specify the RSA key, the -out flag specifies the name of the CSR file and the -config flag is used to specify the name of the config file. After this, you can generate a root certificate, which is used to generate our final certificate: In the process of generating this root certificate, the -sha256 flag is used to specify SHA256 as the message digest. Now, as for the final step, we can finally type the following to generate our certificate: The -CA flag specifies the root certificate, the -CAkey flag specifies the private key and -extfile specifies the name of the configuration file. The “final.crt” file will be the SSL certificate you want.

Generating a Certificate without a Configuration File

Alternatively, you can also generate a certificate using OpenSSL without a configuration file. You can start by generating an RSA private key: Next, you will have to generate a CSR: When generating a CSR, you will be prompted to answer questions about your organization. Finally, we can generate the certificate itself:

Verification of Keys and Certificates

Keys and certificates are easily checked and verified using OpenSSL, with the -check flag: You can check certificate signing requests: and certificates as well:

1. Do I still have to worry about Heartbleed?

Heartbleed (CVE-2014-0160) is an old vulnerability found in OpenSSL in 2014. TLS-servers and clients running OpenSSL both were affected. A patch was quickly released a few days after its discovery, and this vulnerability isn’t something to worry about in 2022 as long as you are running a modern and up-to-date version of OpenSSL. If you are using OpenSSL on Debian and Ubuntu-based systems, you can always update it by running the following commands:

2. How long do SSL certificates last before they expire?

This depends on the value you choose when generating the certificate. This can be specified by using the -days flag when generating a certificate. Image credit: Sls written on wooden cube block by 123RF